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Pelvic Floor Yoga™

1 in 4 women are affected by incontinence. There are many ways to describe incontinence - sensitive bladder, urine leaks, bladder weakness, though it all boils down to the same result - involuntary leakage of urine with the problem only increasing with age. A staggering 75% of women over the age of 65 experience urine leakage.


In men, the prevalence of incontinence is lower, with about 3% to 11% experiencing these symptoms.


Incontinence can have a devastating effect on a person's physical, social and psychological well-being, leading to an overall deterioration in their quality of life at home and in the workplace.


BUT you don't have to resign yourself to this way of living...


Pelvic Floor Yoga™ is a technique developed by Leslie Howard, a yoga therapist specialising in pelvic floor health. She uses yoga poses and breathwork to target the pelvic floor area that are specifically designed to strengthen and/or stretch the pelvic floor, depending on an individual's requirements. Pelvic Floor Yoga™ has been proven to help reduce the risk of urinary incontinence within a short space of time. Significantly reducing the risk of leaks occurring or the need for multiple toilet breaks, giving practitioners back their freedom and improving quality of life.


The first step is to arrange an initial assessment session, After assessment we will move on to a set of four weekly sessions. Once these are completed, you can choose to have more one to one sessions, or join a weekly Pelvic Floor Yoga™ class in the studio while continuing with your home practice.


Initial 1 to 1 Assessment Session

During the initial session I will devise a work programme and home practice that will be designed to address your body's specific needs, whether that is strengthening the pelvic floor, or teaching it to relax, or perhaps a combination of the two. The assessment will also include an instructional guidance session.


Set of Four Weekly 1 to 1 Sessions

My holistic approach encompasses the function of the entire body as pelvic floor dysfunction can often be linked to other parts of the body. Sessions can include: breath exercises, gentle yoga postures that tone, stretch and promote responsiveness of the pelvic floor muscles.

(No prior yoga experience is needed).



You will receive email support during our time together along with personalised exercise leaflets to use at home inbetween sessions. Establishing a home practice is an integral aspect of this work, so the sequences will be easy to follow, requiring 15 - 20 minutes at most, and specifically adapted to your unique body and life.

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